The adaptable nature of mastic asphalt, combined with the expertise of our installers at Asphaltech, enabled it to conform seamlessly to any shape, even complex ones. Unlike sheet membranes that require multiple cuts to fit around corners and circular penetrations, mastic asphalt can be applied with precision. Once again, Neuchâtel delivered exceptional results with Asphaltech, producing a superior podium area.

Edgerly Apartments
The Edgerly development comprises five levels of distinctive and appealing apartments along with basement car parking, totalling 81 units. The building features an elegant U-shaped design in the southeast corner of the site, complemented by a fractured L-shaped structure wrapping around its northeast corner. Throughout the project, the podiums and decks spanned various areas and locations, requiring a range of surface finishes typical for high-end apartment blocks.
This project marked another collaboration with Leuschke Architects, where we were engaged from the design stage to assist with detailing for the multiple podium areas and complex project requirements. Working closely with our applicator partner Asphaltech, our ability to provide input as the project progressed ensured quick decision-making and facilitated project flow, ultimately contributing to smoother project execution.
Let’s talk about waterproofing your project.
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