The Rise of Green Roofs: Building for Tomorrow, Today

Green roofs for sustainability are no longer a trend; they have become a vital responsibility in the construction industry. Governments worldwide are enforcing regulations that mandate the integration of solar panels or green roofs in commercial buildings. The rationale behind this push lies in the tangible benefits these systems provide, not only for building owners... Read more

Business is Expanding

Neuchâtel Waterproofing Ltd, best known for it’s innovative construction waterproofing solutions including Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt, and Neuchâtel Permatec, recently announced an agreement with Australian company Unison Joints Pty Ltd, to supply it’s range of top-of-the-line seismic joints in New Zealand. Unison Joints differ from conventional expansion joints in that they are delivered fully assembled, and... Read more

Beneath Aotea Square: Neuchâtel’s Waterproofing Triumph

Neuchâtel’s waterproofing triumph is exemplified in its work on Aotea Square, one of New Zealand’s most complex projects. This iconic public space in the heart of Auckland accommodates 20,000 visitors and hosts concerts, art exhibitions, and sports events. Beneath its vibrant surface lies an engineering marvel: a sprawling underground car park for 930 vehicles. Engineering… Read more